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Your giving changes lives.
The giving of one's financial resources through the local church has many benefits both for the giver and for the recipient, but most importantly, it is an act of worshipping God. (2 Corinthians 9:7).
The membership of Bow Valley Baptist Church votes annually on a budget that determines how to faithfully manage the finances that God provides through offerings and other sources of income. This includes the ongoing work of fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:20) in Cochrane, in Canada, and around the world. Thank you for your generous support and your faithful worship through giving.
Ways to Give
There are three ways to give financially to Bow Valley

Send an e-transfer to

Pre-Authorized Giving
Automatically give to the church each month by filling out and returning the form below to the office.

Sunday Morning
Place your envelope or money in the tithe box or offering plate.
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